Monday, November 19, 2012

Manic Monday Freebie

Going to try again to give away a game I made.  This is using 2nd grade sight words.  You pick a card and read it.  If you read correctly, you keep the card.  If you draw a hook, you have to put all your cards back.  If you draw a worm, you get an extra turn.  Play continues until all cards have been drawn.  Student with the most cards "wins."

Fish Hook Sight-Word-Game

Pre-Thanksgiving Fun

Since we've been studying pilgrims, I thought a good activity for the last Fun Friday of the year would be to make butter.  I got 2 containers with screw-on lids (put tape on the lids b/c they crack from the marble), 1 16oz container of heavy whipping cream, and 2 marbles.  I used the big marble and it cracked both lids so you can use a smaller one or do without.  The marble makes it churn quicker and we were running out of time.  Then I poured half the whipping cream into each container, added a marble, screwed the lid on TIGHT, and handed them to the 2 groups I had in a circle.  Next they started shaking to the chant "Shake, shake, shake...shake, shake, shake...shake the butter, shake the butter...pass".  They would pass it to the next child and we'd start all over again.  It took about 20 passes (less than 5 minutes)before I realized I couldn't really hear the cream or the marble anymore.  We opened the containers and we had whipped butter!  I probably should've continued to shake the containers more but like I said the lids were cracking from the marble and the butter was set up enough to spread.  I spread them on slices of bread and the kids were amazed and in awe at what we had just done!  Next year I'll know to use a smaller marble and put duct tape on the lids first.

Shake Shake Shake..Shake Shake Shake

Shake the butter, Shake the butter

Pass it

whipped butter--yum!  It didn't even need salt.

Kids enjoying the fruits of their labor.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Types of Matter

This time I created a simple pre- or post-assessment for the Types of Matter.  I've also included an answer key just in case it's not clear what they are showing.

Types of Matter Test

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My TPT store

Thanks to the suggestion of a coworker friend, I now have my 2 games available on Teachers Pay Teachers for free.  I know I should start charging but since I've only made 2 games, I'm making them free.  As I get more confident in my work, then I'll start charging for it.  I was very excited to see MY name on the TPT website.  It's kind of a rush!

I'm linking up both games to this website if you want to go check them out.  One is my first grade sight word game I mentioned in the last post.  The other is a second grade sight word game I made last night.  ENJOY!

Mouse and Cheese Sight Word Game

Fish Hook Sight Word Game

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My first game

I've seen and downloaded all the cute preprimer and primer word games where the kids draw a card and read it or put it back.  I was frustrated by the lack of 1st grade and above word games so I made my own.  It's called "Give the mouse the cheese."  It's the same premise as the other games just using 1st grade sight words.  I'm giving it away for free on my blog.

1st grade sight word game

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My first giveaway

Ok, I made my first ever worksheet to give away.  It's just a simple little -at word family for kids to practice with.  If you like it, let me know and I'll make more.

at word family

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Edible Maps

So this week we were learning about maps.  After a week's worth of activities, we, as a grade level, decided to make edible maps to wrap up the week.  I found a recipe (won't use again) and made the dough.  Unfortunately since it's halfway to payday, I didn't have much money for decorations AND I left the icing at home.  The dough I made was extremely hard to push the decorations into so I had bought a can of icing to cover it with them promptly ran out of the house without it Friday morning.  At least I remembered the other stuff!!!  So here's what we did:  Thursday we made a map of the room.  We decided on chocolate bars for the desks and bookcases, caramels for the computers and my desk, and gummi bears for the kids.  It turned out pretty cute despite me forgetting the icing which I had also planned to use to write on it with!!!!

Map of the room

  No-bake cookie dough
Passing out gummi bears
Adding their bear to where they sit

They were really excited about this.

Finished map